Office Cleaning
For Office rates Please Call to setup an Appointment for one of our representatives to view your office space. All quotes are per job.
Call Now For Quote
Tel: 310 929 5142 or email: quotes@santamonicacleaning.com
All our residential Rates are on an hourly basis, with a 4-hour minimum. Please note that prices may vary depending on size of the job.
Call Now For Quote
Tel: 310 929 5142 or email: quotes@santamonicacleaning.com
Payments can be made by Cash, Business or personal check, , there after you can pay by the payment of their choice.
Either by Cash, Business or Personal Check, Credit Card and Electronic Funds Transfer option (for clients with accounts)
Please Note, all payments made by Credit Cards will be charged a 5% processing fee.
All Payments are due at the time of job completion, unless you have an ongoing account with our company.
Please make checks payable to: The Santa Monica Cleaning Co.
All requested invoices will be sent my email.
Please call one of our Booking Agents if you have any further questions.
We’re incredibly proud of the varied work we do. Take a look yourself…

The Santa Monica Cleaning Company is a full service company and Services the Following Areas: